I really miss this series. Nobody's gotten John quite right since 2013, not in comic form or on screen. I feel like Si Spurrier really got what Hellblazer was all about, he knew what made John Constantine himself. Rise and Fall wasn't too bad. It was a comic. I liked it. But Si Spurrier's Hellblazer? Something else. It truly could have come straight out of the original series.
I always wonder what could have been if the series was renewed. I feel like it really could have gotten as popular as the original comic if it was just given another chance. Especially with the Justice League HBO series and supposed movie/TV series for John.
I feel like there's two John Constantines, Vertigo John and DC John. Si Spurrier's Hellblazer was Vertigo John. I still have hope. One day, in the future, we'll get to see Si Spurrier's Constantine again and it'll be amazing.