The Gift collects issues 207-215 of the Hellblazer series. It is the last book in Mike Carey's run.
Publisher's description[]
Collecting Hellblazer #207-215! One of Constantine's blunders proves disastrous for a loved one, forcing him to ally himself with the last person he would choose. The path Constantine finds himself on leads directly to Hell, where he must confront the dread demon Nergal, Constantine's longtime adversary.
Storylines collected[]
For detailed plot synopses, see the issues' individual wiki pages.
Down in the Ground Where the Dead Men Go[]
(Issue 207-212) John makes an unlikely alliance with Nergal and ventures into Hell to reclaim his sister's soul. But the path is littered with enemies old and new, and what awaits him at the end may spell the biggest defeat of his life.
The Gift[]
(Issues 213) Morose, Constantine looks back on his childhood and the unusual 'gift' that he possesses.
(Issues 214-215) In this incendiary closing arc, Constantine - still reeling from the events in Hell - burns his bridges with London's occult circuit. But is he really going to give up magic forever?