John Constantine Hellblazer Wiki
Hellblazer #146
Story title(s)
'Hard Time, part 1'
Richard Corben
James Sinclair (colours) Digital Chameleon (separations)
Clem Robins
Axel Alonso (editor), Jennifer Lee (asst. editor)
Cover date
March 2000
Collected in
Previous issue

John Constantine: Hellblazer #146 (March 2000)

Plot summary[]

For reasons as of yet unknown, Constantine has ended up doing time in a maximum security American prison. Catching the eye of Traylor, a convict rapidly losing interest in his regular piece of ass. John is 'tricked' into cadging some cigs and in turn indebting himself to Traylor.

When Traylor tries to collect, John plays his usual calm self, refusing to give up the required piece of ass and instead cadging more cigs from the rest of Traylor's gang. Back in the comfort of his cell, Constantine lays out the cigs he's gathered from Traylor and company.

Traylor and friends corner Constantine in the showers, intent on collecting what they're owed. Constantine leaves a curse on the batch of dribbling madmen in his wake, laying the building blocks for his reputation in the prison so that the populace fear him.


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  • Use this section to list mistakes that have appeared in this issue.

