John Constantine Hellblazer Wiki
Hellblazer #142
Story title(s)
'Setting Sun', 'One Last Love Song'
Javier Pulido ('Setting Sun'), James Romberger ('One Last Love Song')
James Sinclair (colours) Digital Chameleon (separations)
Clem Robins
Cover date
November 1999
Collected in
Previous issue
Hellblazer issue 141b

John Constantine: Hellblazer #142 (November 1999)

Plot summary[]

Setting Sun

When Constantine receives a distressed phone call from an old friend, he enlists Chas' aid and rushes to her house. His impression of the Sweeney going awry when she opens her door before Chas can do it in with a crowbar. She reveals that an old tenant has come back from the dead and is haunting his room.

John investigates and finds himself having a chat with the spirit of a dead Japanese doctor. A Japanese doctor who spent the war coming up with particularly gruesome ways to kill those placed under his 'care'.

In order to excise the spirit, John is forced to reenact the torture's it was responsible for on it.

One Last Love Song

Staggering from his local, worse for more than a few pints, Constantine remembers the various women he's fallen in love with over the years.


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